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  • BCE Corporate Governance
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    BCE Corporate Governance - Organisational Structure

    BCE Organisational Structure

    Board of Directors
    The Board of Directors is the main decision making forum. It considers the strategic issues and risk, and approve expenditure over certain limits. The board monitors and oversee the organisation operations, ensuring competent and prudent management, sound planning, proper procedures for the maintenance of adequate accounting and other records and systems internal control, and for compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations.


    1. The Board is responsible for the stewardship of the Examination Board and for monitoring the actions of, and providing overall guidance and direction to management.
    2. Monitor the integrity of the Examination Board’s internal control, disclosure controls and procedures and management information systems.
    3. Develop and periodically review policies with respect to decisions and other matters requiring Board approval.

    Terms of Reference: Board of Directors
    The Board of Directors shall provide leadership in the development and implementation of the vision and mission of the Examination Board.

    The Board of Directors shall:

    1. Ensure that the vision and mission statements reflect the current values and circumstances of the examination board.
    2. Support the need for professional affiliation, education and practice standards, code of practice and other activities of the examination board.
    3. Provide a structure and forums within which the work of the Examination Board can be discussed, receiving regular reports from the management and council therein.

    The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    The CEO sets the Examination Board’s strategic plan responsible for ensuring compliance with all statutory requirements.

    CEO Terms of Reference on Examination Practice, Programmes and Standards
    Responsible for Programme Development for overseeing the mechanisms that:
    • ensure that the Board’s examination provision is of an appropriate quality and standard
    • enhance examination quality

    Has the following powers:

    1. To advise Programme Development on policy and strategy for examining and assessing developments.
    2. To advise Programme Development on actions to be taken and responses to be made concerning examinations, programmes and standards to external agencies, including QCA, Department for Education and Skills and other agencies.
    3. To oversee processes to assure the quality and standards of programmes/courses including assessment practice, performance and procedures, including documentation in the examination practice.
    4. To monitor outputs from the following specific processes and recommend actions arising:
      1. Annual Programme Evaluations
      2. Periodic Programme Reviews
      3. External QCA reviews
      4. Examiner reports
    5. To approve new programmes/courses and amendments.
    6. To approve exemptions for particular candidates.
    7. To consider reports from centres, programmes and standards committees

    Duties of members of Council

    1. To act in the best interests of the examination board as a whole
    2. To act in good faith, honestly and for a proper purpose
    3. To exercise appropriate care and diligence
    4. Not to improperly use their position to gain an advantage for themselves or somebody they know
    5. To disclose and avoid conflicts of interest
    6. To approve the programme plan recommended by the BCE Management
    Terms of Reference
    1. To provide a clear statement of the exam board’s strategic direction, vision and continually monitor progress against agreed goals.
    2. To shape and review its vision, mission and values and evaluate its own performance
    3. To require and monitor compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations
    4. To oversee the establishment and effective operation of key policies
    5. To ensure delegated responsibilities and authorities are clearly defined
    6. To ensure adequate risk management procedures and associated internal control are established and effectively maintained.
    7. To oversee the effective and prudential operation of the examination board and assess against key performance indicators agreed; including:
      1. approve and monitor budgets and financial plans
      2. ensure the examination board’s assets and resources are properly managed
      3. approve and monitor controlled entities
      4. ensure the standard of courses/programmes is maintained


    Working closely to the Programme Development and Services, the Marketing department is responsible for co-ordinating and supporting centre registration processes, where appropriate advising on related policy matters. To this end it endeavours to work closely with relevant government ministries in different countries, department of Education and Skills, QCA, British Council, registered centres, private colleges and other external agencies.

    What are the responsibilities of the Marketing Office?
    The Marketing co-ordination acts as the Department for Skills correspondent and, as such, has an obligation to ensure that the board adheres to the college/centre regulations laid down by the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills guidelines. They also represent the board in any Department Education related matters and reports on developments in policy and practice in the sector.

    The office provides guidance on examination fees assessment, advice on UK and international qualifications, and statistical management information relating to centre registration.

    Key Stakeholders to which the Marketing Office relates
    Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS), International Government ministries, British council, QCA, British Accreditation Council, Border & Immigration Agency (BIA), Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC), and other professional bodies.

    Marketing involves business development of BCE with appropriate marketing strategies in the areas of:
    i. Examinations
    ii. Media
    iv. Trade marks

    Terms of Reference
    The marketing department formulates and monitors the implementation of strategies related to candidate affairs and centres, including management controls for key risks. It monitors the Board’s responsiveness to centre/candidates feedback, taking a view on the adequacy of response and determining remedial action to be taken in cases of inadequate response.

    1. Review and provide comment on the marketing requirements.
    2. Develop a coherent short and long term marketing strategy.
    3. Assist management in the identification of opportunities to promote and market services and programmes.

    Marketing department has the following delegated powers:

    1. To review and agree the strategic direction of registered centres/candidates support and the development of the Examination board’s services for this purpose.
    2. To review and seek improvement in the quality and performance of services provided for centres across the world, including those provided in response to emerging policy agendas; to identify and disseminate good practice.
    3. To consider summary reports on appeals, complaints and disciplinary matters, identify trends and determine action to be taken.
    4. To consider responses to surveys and other forms of feedback on current affairs received from centres/candidates and to agree to monitor the implementation of actions arising.
    5. To provide an annual report on registered centres.
    6. To work closely with Programme Development & Services

    Programme Development and Services

    The Examination/Programme Development and Services department is led by the Course Development Manager and is responsible for delivering and supporting a range of examination services for centres and students. The following responsibilities are delivered in close conjunction and co-operation with centres/administrative staff:-
    1. Registration of centres according to the BCE Accreditation Handbook.
    2. Candidates information and data management (includes registration forms, record keeping, record system programme maintenance and development, development of assessment capabilities on the record system, delivery of the centrally held examinations and certification).
    3. The development and production of course programme and candidate related management information.
    4. Supporting the development and implementation of examination policy and regulation
    5. Supporting the enhancement of learning and teaching, academic quality and standards and academic collaboration and partnerships.
    6. Supporting the Exam Board’s planning processes

    Terms of Reference for Programme Development and Services
    i. To oversee the establishment and effective operation of policies concerning examination practice, course programmes, assessment and results, centre registration and requirements, ensuring that these build on, and do not contradict policies of the exam board.
    ii. To assure and enhance examination quality and to maintain examination standards for all programmes, and awards within the discipline area defined.
    iii. To assure the quality of all registered centres
    iv. To receive referred matters from registered centres relating to examination quality and standards assurance, examination policy and strategy and take action or make recommendations as appropriate
    v. To oversee liaison with professional, statutory and regulatory bodies for accredited programmes within the Programme Development area.
    vi. To ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place for the approval of courses.
    vii. To oversee the processes for considering and responding to Examiners’ report.
    viii. To report to and make recommendations to Management (CEO) on the above and any other relevant matters

    Programme Approval & Review Panel

    The (Council) assesses the overall viability of proposed new programmes and of significant amendments of existing programmes. The panel will include internal members as well as external experts. It addresses detailed issues relating to the programme structure and scheme (syllabus), programme management and quality assurance.

    Annual programme evaluations are made of all course programmes to provide a regular check on programme operations and address on issues arising from centres. Issues relating to examination results, curriculum (syllabus) and assessment, quality of exam and enhancement of standards are covered.

    Terms of reference:
    i. To receive proposals for new and revised programmes
    ii. To consider the teaching, learning and assessment methods proposed within each programme to ensure their appropriateness and the implementation of good practice.
    iii. To approve, or otherwise, the continuation of the programmes under review, agree the programme schemes for this and specify any conditions
    iv. To enhance quality, identify strengths and weaknesses, and encourage teamworking amongst subject staff.
    v. The cumulative effective of changes made over time to the design and operation of the programme
    vi. Changes in candidate demands, employer expectations and employment opportunities

    In addition, panels are required:
    vii. To consider the appropriateness and coherence of the aims and learning outcomes for the programme, and their relation to the relevant QCA subject benchmark(s).
    viii. To be satisfied that the examination content is consistent with the proposed level of award referring to QCA and level descriptors.
    ix. To be assured that the examination content, including relevance to the professional /industrial context is appropriate.
    x. To be assured that the programme structure and content meets candidates needs.
    xi. To be assured as to the appropriateness of teaching, learning and assessment strategies and their relationship with the programme outcomes.
    xii. To check accreditation arrangements

    External experts will be amongst the few panel members who have relevant subject knowledge, and probably also professional and/or practitioner experience.

    Assessment panel

    The Assessment panel shall comprise the following:
    · The Chief Executive Officer
    · Examiners (internal and external)
    · Programme Development & Services
    · Any other person approved by the management

    Conflict of interest – a person shall not normally act as an examiner or attend a meeting of the Assessment panel in respect of a Programme where their relationship with a centre/programme provides a conflict of interest.

    Duties of Internal Examiners
    1. To prepare examination and re-sit examination papers together with model answers that should be provided to the External Examiner(s) for consideration and approval by the Management
    2. To mark examinations and projects/coursework
    3. Attend assessment meetings

    Duties of External Examiners 1. Takes an overview of the programmes
    2. Quality assurance role in relation to assessment
    3. Quality enhancement role through comments and advice on course structure, content and delivery
    4. To review the assessed work
    5. To approve recommendations
    6. To report on the standards of the examination, the student performance, and the soundness and fairness of processes for the assessment and determination of examination results

    Factors affecting the number and range of External Examiner appointments:
    1. Workload – quantity of assessed material being examined
    2. Diversity of the programmes/courses
    3. Capacity of individuals to make competent judgements against external reference points, e.g. Framework for Qualifications & Curriculum Authority (QCA)
    4. Scope for new or inexperienced externals to work alongside experienced examiners
    5. Professional, regulatory and statutory body requirements
    6. Joint and multidisciplinary programmes
    7. Diversity of assessments, electronic delivery, performance subjects, work-based learning

    Conduct of the Assessment panel

    1. To agree the marks obtained by each student in the individual assessment components that go towards the subject marked
    2. To make the following progression recommendations:
    - pass and progress
    - resits
    - fail
    - exemptions
    3. To make the following award recommendations:
    - award Certificates, Diploma or Advanced Diplomas
    - resit all or part of the assessment
    4. To invite comments from the Internal/External Examiner(s)
    5. To report any recommendations concerning the content, operation and assessment of the programme.

    Quality Assurance

    Quality assurance (QA) aims to ensure that the product or service an organisation provides is fit for its purpose and meets customer expectations.

    Duties of Quality Assurance Manager
    1. Programme Approval
    2. Evaluation and Review – Policies and Procedures
    3. Attend to centre complains
    4. Quality programmes – Audit
    5. Policies and Procedures
    6. Alliances with educational bodies

    Terms of Reference
    1. Promoting quality achievement and performance improvement throughout the organisation.
    2. Setting QCA compliance objectives and ensuring that targets are achieved.
    3. Maintaining awareness of the business context and company profitability, including budgetary control issues.
    4. Assessing registered centres and BCE's regulations and candidates requirements.
    5. Working with examination centres to establish quality requirements from candidates.
    6. Ensuring compliance with national and international standards and legislation.
    7. Considering the application of environmental and health/safety standards.
    8. Agreeing standards and establishing clearly defined quality methods for staff to apply.
    9. Defining quality procedures in conjunction with operating staff.
    10. Setting up and maintaining controls and documentation.
    11. Identifying relevant quality-related training needs.
    12. Collating and analysing performance data and charts against defined parameters.
    13. Ensuring tests and procedures are properly understood, carried out and evaluated and that product modifications are investigated if necessary.
    14. Supervising examiners in carrying out exams and recording exam marks.
    15. Writing technical and management system reports.
    16. Bringing together staff of different disciplines and driving the group to plan, formulate and agree comprehensive quality procedures.
    17. Persuading reluctant staff to change their way of working to incorporate quality methods.
    18. Establishing standards of service for candidates.
    19. Preparing clear explanatory documents such as examination policies.
    20. Monitoring performance through gathering relevant data and producing statistical reports.

    Human Resources
    1. Policies, procedures, management guidelines, employment law legislative compliance
    2. Recruitment, hiring, jobs security and employment equity
    3. Leave Absences
    4. Creation of New Positions, replacements positions and abolitions of positions
    5. Staff dismissal, redundancy, discipline and grievances
    6. Records Management
    7. Legislative compliance
    8. Occupational Health and Safety
    9. Disability
    10. Discrimination
    11. Race Relations
    12. Information (Data Protection/Freedom of Information etc)
    13. Legal contracts and legal disputes
    14. Staff development and training

    1. Establishment of the workforce strategy for all staff.
    2. Oversee the development of Human Resource policies
    3. Ensuring that the policies are in place to retain and recruit high quality staff. This will include effective succession planning strategies and processes.
    4. To examine workforce information including sickness absence, turnover and disciplinary cases.
    5. To determine the proper classification or grade level for a position
    6. To design and restructure jobs
    7. To provide effective employee training and development
    8. To serve as a basis for performance expectations