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Business & Computing Examinations

Business & Computing Examinations (BCE)

  • BCE Policies

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    BCE Policies - Staff Development Policy

    Staff Development Policy

    The purpose of staff development policy is to promote a culture of continuous professional learning to improve the quality of work at the BCE. We are legally liable for all the actions of all our employees and registered centres. Training therefore needs to be available to all responsible personnel:
    - employees and contract works
    - full and part-time staff
    - internal/external examiners and registered centres

    Principles 1. Business & Computing Examinations (BCE) is committed to the development of all our staff within the context of our mission, policies and goals.
    2. The exam board recognises the importance of staff development and appraisal and offers opportunities for all staff to be involved with the programme. The main focus for staff development will be the individuals and registered centres, with the Head of Centres playing a vital role in the process
    3. There will be a structured developmental programme of support for high quality teaching by registered centres, and professionalism from examiners.
    4. Staff development is part of the process for implementing our strategic policies

    Strategies A number of strategies we use to encourage staff development to take place:
    1. Including disability issues in induction training and registered centres
    2. Provide encouragement and recognition of development through review and appraisal processes.
    3. Ensure that all training is accessible to all centres free of charge
    4. Staff development will be managed, monitored and evaluated across the exam board at three levels:
    (i) the individuals
    (ii) the exam board
    (iii) the registered centres
    5. Staff development will be seen as a joint responsibility between staff and management. Colleagues will be encouraged to share their expertise, skills and knowledge across the exam board by contributing at activities and staff development events.
    6. The Staff Development policy seeks to maintain an appropriate balance between the Examination Board’s work and the continuing career and personal development of its staff. The Staff Development team will support the process and develop strategies to ensure that monitoring and evaluation will take place.
    7. Decision-making on staff development will be based upon information gathered about staff and their needs, the organisation and how it works, and internal monitoring.
    Candidates’ disabilities and confidentiality
    Registered centres are expected to take reasonable steps to find out about candidates’ disability. Once a candidate discloses a disability, the centre has a responsibility not to discriminate. Candidates also have a right to confidentiality through the Data Protection Act.
    - Do staff know how to encourage candidates to disclose a disability?
    - Do staff know how to respond if a student discloses a disability to them, and to whom any information should be passed.
    - Are staff aware of the institution’s confidentiality policy and what information should, or should not be communicated to others?

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